Inequality Chasm
"Earlier this year, Oxfam reported that the world’s eight richest people control roughly the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of...

Humans are part of Nature... Do we ignore this reality at our peril?
One of the Barriers to achieving MycoMesh's Vision of empowering every person to thrive is the seemingly inexplicable viewpoint (at least...

Empowering - not just Handing Out
"India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, made a bold statement: India, he said, would eliminate open defecation by October 2019. To...

What do these two human beings have in common?
Separated by thousands of miles, economic circumstances, age, gender, ethnicity---and more, these two human beings seem so different....

Circular Economy - Rejecting Take, Make and Dispose
In a search for innovative ideas that could help BREAK THROUGH the BARRIERS to every person being empowered to thrive, creating a...

Creating Local Infrastructure-Faster & Cheaper
For those who would prefer not to deal with technology or fear its downside, you may be tempted to bypass this Post. Please do not do so....

Who will own the robots?
“We’re in the midst of a jobs crisis, and rapid advances in AI and other technologies may be one culprit. How can we get better at...

Where are the jobs?
“When an Indian state government recently advertized for 368 tea servers and night guards, 2.3 million people applied. Officials were...

A Free-Agent Ecosystem
“With permission, The Free Agent EcosystemTM for independent, 1099-workers is being adapted for use in The mycoEcosystem to help any...